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Silver Fox

Silver Fox, Jr Doe, Rabbit
Mountain Pine Rabbitry

Clover as a Jr. Doe

Silver Fox, Jr Buck, Rabbit
Mountain Pine Rabbitry

Basil as a Jr. Buck

About The Breed

  The beautiful Silver Fox is a heritage breed of rabbit. Meaning that they are by definition" ...a breed that was developed and used on farms, ranches and homesteads before the advent of modern industrial agriculture. With a few exceptions, they are breeds that thrive in outdoor situations, are able to forage for some of their own food and have a long reproductive lifespan. The history of our heritage livestock breeds ranges from mere decades to several centuries, but common among them all is a unique adaptation to both the farms they come from and the farmers who keep them." (


  It was these qualities, as well as being known for their excellent mothering abilities, docile nature, and high dress out rates that drew us to this breed. These rabbits are what is know as a dual purpose breed, meaning that they are used for both meat and fur production. Their pelts are one of their defining characteristic as they have what is known as a standing coat. This means that if you pet the rabbit from tail to head, the hair is supposed to stand perpendicular to the body, and needs another brush from head to tail to return the hair to a flat position. The rabbits are a standard commercial build with does weighing up to 12 lbs.


  This wonderful breed is the result of Walter B. Garland's hard work and was developed in Ohio. This was the 3rd breed of rabbit that was developed in America, and it was officially recognized as a breed in 1925 by the name of the American Heavyweight Silver. The breed was renamed in 1929 to American Silver Fox, and is now just know as the Silver Fox. This breed of Silver Fox is not the same breed as the Silver Fox that is recognized in other countries such as in New Zealand and the United Kingdom. 


  If you want to learn more about this breed please visit the National Silver Fox Rabbit Club or The Livestock Conservancy to learn about conservation efforts.


Or, as always, please feel free to Contact Us.


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